January 2025

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy and Peaceful New Year.

Before Christmas, those of you who walk or run along the Tetbury Trail will have noticed that extensive tree works have taken place, thank you for your patience whilst we closed sections of the trail for your safety whilst this work was completed.

In addition, some of you may have noticed that we lost a tree on the Millennium Green last year, and I am pleased to confirm that a replacement is due to be planted in the next few weeks.

Thanks must go to resident, Geoff Turbott, who has once again swept the length of the pathway along the Tetbury Trail, improving the surface and clearing the fallen leaves.

I am delighted to advise that the following grants were made this month:

· £900 – Dolphins Dramatic Society

· £1,000 – Police Museum – funding towards developing the school education programme

· 2 x £300 grants to local students

· Additional £5,000 to Sir William Romney’s School – to complete the new Sensory Room

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like to volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.

December News

Firstly, I would like to welcome Tony Walsh as the newest member of the Feoffee. Dave Norris, after 26 years of service to the charity, firstly as a member of the Thirteen and then as a Feoffee, has made the decision to retire and I would like to thank Dave for all his hard work and support, particularly the maintenance of the Open Spaces, over the years.

I am delighted to advise that the following grants were made this month:

· Sir William Romney School – grant of £5,000 for furniture and equipment for a room dedicated to children with special educational needs.

· Tetbury Area Youth & Community Trust – grant of £6,500 to assist in the provision of holiday activities for approx. 300 young people in Tetbury throughout the school holidays (approx. 10 weeks) and an additional 10 drop-in sessions, following a cut in funding from Gloucestershire County Council.

· Tetbury In Bloom – grant of £1500 to support next year’s flower beds and baskets around Tetbury.

· Food Bank – grant of £3,000, an increase in grant support, due to the pressure this service is currently experiencing.

· St Mary’s Primary School – grant of £9,000 to create an outdoor space at the school for children with special educational needs and for small group work.

· Club 77 – grant of £300 to support activities for people with disabilities in Tetbury.

· Individual College Grant – grant of £300 towards a laptop for a local student

Finally, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like to volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.

Beating of the Bounds

The Feoffees and Thirteen of Tetbury are pleased to invite you all to the annual




On Saturday 14th September at 9.30am


Please meet under Bath Bridge for this circular, historic walk of the town boundaries, followed by refreshments and the presentation of the Feoffee accounts in The Market House

June 2024

I can’t quite believe that we are already 6 months into 2024 and I really hope that after such a wet start to the year that we see plenty of sun over the summer months.

I would like to start this month’s update with a welcome to new Thirteen member Tim Shute, we are all looking forward to working with Tim in the coming years.

This month members of the Thirteen will once again be organising the Annual Community BBQ, this will take place on the Millennium Green at 6pm on Friday 14th June. For those of you who have never attended this event, the BBQ is provided by the Feoffees and Thirteen to all residents free of charge – please bring with you any chairs, picnic blankets and drinks. This is a wonderful opportunity for us all to meet up with friends, old and new - All are welcome.

Dates for your Diary

·       14th June – 6pm Community BBQ on the Millennium Green

·       7th September – Heritage Weekend

·       14th September - The Annual Beating of the Bounds

The Feoffees are Trustees of several charities, providing financial support to individuals and groups within Tetbury, with a particular focus on education, supporting apprentices and clubs and organisations working in our community. Over the next few months, I plan to introduce some of our members to you and I will start with myself – many of you know me, but for those who don’t – I am Lance Vick, Chair of the Feoffees, I have been a Feoffee for 29 years this month and before that I was a member of the Thirteen for 15 years and I believe that to be a Feoffee is the highest honour in our town.  I have lived in Tetbury all my life and my favourite view of Tetbury is Chipping Steps.  If you see me or any of our Feoffee or Thirteen members, please see hello, we would be pleased to meet you.

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like to volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.

Lance Vick – Chairman

March News

I was recently delighted to, along with my fellow Feoffees, present local resident Geoff Turbott with a Feoffee medallion and certificate of appreciation, for all his support with maintaining the public footpath along the old railway line, Berkeley Wood and Preston Park, allowing everyone to enjoy this very special area of our town. 

Without his intervention, the footpath would not be as usable and accessible.  Geoff undertakes this work voluntarily and the Trustees of the charity wanted to publicly thank him for all his support and hard work over the years. 

I am also pleased to confirm that we have recently supported groups and individuals with the following grants: 

  • Tetfest - £1,000 as sponsorship of this growing community music festival 

  • 3 local students with grants towards their studies 

  • St Mary’s Playgroup - £500 towards their Forest School Bell Tent repair 

  • Holiday at Home - £1,500 to support their ongoing projects in our community which include 2 summer holiday days, a spring tea and firework tea party 

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like to volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members. 

Lance Vick – Chairman  

February 2024

I would like to start by wishing everyone a Happy New Year and I hope that 2024 is kind to us all.


Whilst Christmas seems a long time ago now, I am sure you will all have noticed the new lights on The Market House, which means that we now have the old ones available to donate in the community. Are you a group or organisation who would like these? They are on long strings but could be altered by an electrician. If you are interested in any of these please send us a message via the Contact Page on our website.


Our grateful thanks go to Geoff Turbott, for his recent clearing of the pathways through Berkeley Wood and along the Tetbury Trail, his hard work and commitment to helping us keep Preston Park and this wonderful recreation area for our residents and community in good order is greatly appreciated.


Would you like to learn more about the Feoffees and Thirteen, our history and the work we do in the town? If so, Thirteen member Dr Tony Walsh arranges talks for groups and organisations, please contact us if you would like to arrange one this year.


Finally, we have been pleased to support Tetbury Bowls Club with financial assistance towards their kitchen renovation works.


If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like to volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

December 2023

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all residents and traders in Tetbury a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2024.


My thanks go to members of the Feoffee and Thirteen and Tetbury Plumbing & Heating, who decorated the Market House with our new Christmas Lights and also the two beautiful trees, kindly donated by the Lowsley-Williams family at Chavenage. The Market House is the jewel in the crown at Christmas and the focal point for the Light Up Tetbury event on 1st December – well done to all those, led by Tetbury Town Council, involved in creating a wonderful, seasonal community event for us all.


Don’t forget that the Christmas Tree Festival at St Saviour’s Church will be taking place from Friday 1st December – Tuesday 2nd January, where groups and organisations will display their trees and on Saturday 2nd December at 5pm in St Saviour’s there will be the annual Christmas Tree Festival Carol Service – please do go along, wrap up warm and enjoy community carols followed by a mince pie and mulled wine.


If you are a small business who would like a stall at the Market House occasionally, please call in to Jo at Scentiments and let her have your contact details, as we do have free slots pop up, which we would be glad to fill.


Finally, we are pleased to have supported the following groups and residents with financial grants this month:


Tetbury Area Youth and Community Trust - £5,000 to sponsor holiday provision activities for children in Tetbury. 

Foodbank - annual donation of £1200 - Tetbury is now a Foodbank Plus Centre, this grant will also help them engage with the Tetbury community as part of their outreach programme. 


Tetbury Library - £1,000 Feoffee sponsorship of the Nature Club for the community.


Tetbury Town Football Club - £1,000 to support with equipment.  

Club 77 - £200 - towards the running this voluntary group, helping people with additional physical needs and learning disabilities.


Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal - £150


Historical Annual Advowsan grants - £75 - Tetbury Town Council for maintenance of pavements and£30 - Rev. Poppy Hughes for lecturers’ grant.


Local student - £250 - support for an educational trip to Ghana.


If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like to volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

November 2023

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome another new member to the Thirteen, Megan Trowell, we all look forward to working with her in the coming years and this now fills the current membership of our colleagues in the Thirteen, who support us in the important work we undertake in the town and community.


As we enter winter, our allotment holders have been busy tidying up their allotments at the end of a difficult growing season, with the ever-changing weather causing problems and as the darker nights arrive, we are looking forward to the Christmas season and the new lights which we have purchased to decorate the Market House, which becomes the centre of the town’s Christmas celebrations.


Dates for your Diary


·       Friday 1st December – Light Up Tetbury

·       Sunday 10th December – Tetbury Hospital Santa Dash – starting under the Market House

Finally, we are pleased to have supported the following residents and groups with financial grants this month:


·       Three local students with further education

·       A carpentry apprentice

·       Tetbury in Bloom - £1500

·       St Mary’s Primary School – resources to support Open the Book Bible stories

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like to volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

September 2023

Firstly, I would like to extend our grateful thanks to Jesse Smiths for the loan of the Big Pan and to Eagle Plant for the provision of the portable toilet at our Community BBQ on the Millennium Green in June – your generosity enabled us to hold this successful annual event.


In July, I was proud to visit St Mary’s Primary School, where I presented Feoffee Medallions to the Year 6 School pupils, as they headed to Senior School – good luck and best wishes to you all. I was also pleased to receive a clock donated to the Feoffees by local resident Julian Pearce. This clock was made by Will Mills of Tetbury and will be sited in the Feoffee Meeting Room at the end of The Market House. Members of the public will be able to see this clock and other Feoffee items during Heritage Weekend on Saturday 9th September, when Thirteen Member Tony Walsh will give a talk on the History of the Feoffees and Thirteen at 12 noon.


I would also like to remind you that the Beating of the Bounds will take place on Saturday 16th September. This annual event is the traditional beating of the boundaries of Tetbury starting at 9.30am under Bath Bridge and finishing at The Market House for refreshments and the presentation of the Charity’s accounts. Please come along with good walking shoes, coats (weather dependant) and your family, including dogs. If you have never done this before or are new to Tetbury, please come along and learn about the history of the town.


Finally, I am pleased to confirm that we have recently made an educational grant to a local resident who is re-training as a Counsellor.


Dates for your Diary


·       Saturday 9th September Only - Heritage Weekend - The Market House will be open with an exhibition and at 12 noon Thirteen Member Tony Walsh will be giving a talk on the History of the Feoffees

·       16th September - The Annual Beating of the Bounds

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

July 2023

The Feoffees and Thirteen of Tetbury


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Feoffee and Thirteen members who worked so hard at the Community BBQ held on 16th June. It was lovely to see so many of our residents enjoying the summer sunshine and taking the opportunity to catch up with old friends and new.


You will have noticed that outside the Market House our beautiful hanging baskets are now on display, thanks to Tetbury Plumbing & Heating for putting these up for us and for those of you who use the main hall itself, you will notice that we have continued to improve the facilities with the purchase of a new set of tables. Hopefully these will be lighter and much easier to move around and put up when you are using the Market House for events.


As there is no Advertiser in August, please check out the September events below and pop them in the diary, particularly the Beating of the Bounds – this annual event is the traditional beating of the boundaries of Tetbury starting at 9.30am under Bath Bridge and finishing at The Market House for refreshments and the presentation of the Charity’s accounts.  Please come along with good walking shoes, coats (weather dependant) and your family including dogs.  If you have never done this before or are new to Tetbury, please come along and learn about the history of the town.


Dates for your Diary


·       30th July – Celebration of Tetbury Event on the Recreation Ground starting with Carnival Procession through the town at 1pm

·       Saturday 9th September Only - Heritage Weekend - The Market House will be open with an exhibition and at 12 noon Thirteen Member Tony Walsh will be giving a talk on the History of the Feoffees

·       16th September - The Annual Beating of the Bounds

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

June 2023

The Feoffees and Thirteen of Tetbury


Firstly, I would like to congratulate His Majesty the King on his Coronation, we celebrated and marked this occasion by purchasing a new Union Jack Flag and ropes, which were flown from The Market House.


I cannot believe that we are already halfway through the year and we are all looking forward to being able to bring back our Annual Community BBQ on Friday 16th June at 6pm. This community event is held on the Millennium Green and free to our residents – please come along to meet old and new friends – all you need to do is bring a chair or picnic blanket and your own drinks – we look forward to welcoming you. Any donations on this evening will go towards Millennium Green projects.


I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome new Thirteen Member Mike Hewitt and we look forward to working with him in the future.


Looking forward to the summer, I was pleased to see that a group of residents have planned the resurrection of the Carnival Procession, which will conclude at the Recreation Ground for a traditional Show afternoon and Celebration of Tetbury – where in conjunction with Tetbury Town Council and with the theme of Health & Wellbeing, residents can see clubs, groups and organisations showcasing the work they do in Tetbury. There will also be a Car Boot Sale, Skate Competition and Show Competitions – craft, cooking & hobby in the Dolphins Hall. I would like to wish the organisers all the best for a successful Community Day.


Dates for your Diary


·       16th June – 6pm Community BBQ on the Millennium Green

·       30th July – Celebration of Tetbury Event on the Recreation Ground starting with Carnival Procession through the town at 1pm

·       9th – 10th September - Heritage Weekend - The Market House will be open with an exhibition on Saturday

·       16th September - The Annual Beating of the Bounds

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

May 2023

By the time you read this, you will either be looking forward to or may have attended the Tetbury Wacky Races and I do hope that the first community event of the year is a great success.


I start my article this month with some sad news. We were all sorry to hear of the passing of David Lowsley-Williams, who was such a supporter of our community and as a mark of respect the Feoffee flag on the Market House has been flown at ½ mast. Our thoughts are with his wife Rona and the family at this difficult time.


Last month, I advised you of a potential pollution incident at the Millennium Green Pond and I am pleased to confirm that the Environment Agency has advised that this was a harmless dye used by the water companies whilst undertaking recent works at both London and Cirencester Roads.  For those of you who don’t know the pond is man made and contains the surface water coming along drains from the direction of London Road, Cirencester Road and Northfield. We look forward to the vegetation growing back as the weather improves.


For Centuries markets have been held under the Grade 1 Listed Market House, the hub of the Town and today,

there are two weekly markets held in Tetbury. Plants and produce such as vegetables, cheese, pies and fish can be found there on a Wednesday, whilst on Saturday you can find plants, vegetables, bric a brac, old books and jewellery. On other days you may also see traders selling anything from garden furniture to dog beds!


In addition, craft fairs and art exhibitions often occupy the upstairs room of the Market House. If you would be interested in being part of the market or would like to hire the upstairs room, please contact us via our website.


Dates for your Diary


·       1st May – Wacky Races

·       16th June – 6pm Community BBQ on the Millennium Green

·       9th – 10th September - Heritage Weekend - The Market House will be open with an exhibition on Saturday

·       16th September - The Annual Beating of the Bounds

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman