April 2023

April 2023

The time is flying by and I can hardly believe that we are in April already.  Over the last month I am pleased to report that Feoffee Will Cook was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by Tetbury Town Council, along with his great friend Grayham Cleaver, this included their work over the winter months, planting the new hedging and trees in Preston Park.  We really appreciate the time and commitment that Will and Grayham give to Preston Park and our community.


I am sorry to advise that the pond at the Millennium Green has suffered from a pollution incident, we have provided water samples to the Environment Agency and await the results. Our thanks go to Thirteen member Ben Scrivens for his work in maintaining the pond, including keeping the grills clear and we look forward to the pond being restored to its former ecosystem. 


The good news is - we are currently updating the tables in The Market House and I am pleased to confirm that we will be bringing back the Feoffee & Thirteen Community BBQ on Friday 16th June at 6pm.  This BBQ is provided by the Feoffee free of charge to residents and it is an opportunity for us to meet up with new friends and old on the Millennium Green – please bring your own picnic rugs, chairs and drinks – we look forward to seeing you there.


Dates for your Diary


·         1st May – Wacky Races

·         16th June – 6pm Community BBQ on the Millennium Green

·         9th – 10th September - Heritage Weekend - The Market House will be open with an exhibition on Saturday

·         16th September - The Annual Beating of the Bounds

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be help with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

March 2023

Spring is on its way with displays of late snowdrops, spring bulbs and buds appearing as the weather warms up and we can start to think about putting our hats, scarves and gloves away.  Thoughts will be turning to planting up our gardens and allotments and for those of you who are not aware The Feoffees own the allotments along Herd Lane and whilst we have a waiting list, please let us know via the contact form on our website if you would be interested in joining it.


I do hope that many of you managed to enjoy the Winter Wanderland event, which took place throughout the town, including The Market House in February.  It was a lovely event which brightened up the dark February evenings.


I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Geoff Turbot for his work levelling out the railway line and improving this footpath for all users.


Dates for your Diary

·         1st May – Wacky Races

·         9th – 10th September - Heritage Weekend - The Market House will be open with an exhibition on Saturday

·         16th September - The Annual Beating of the Bounds

I am pleased to advise that we have recently agreed 2 grants to support young people going on to study at University and if you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.                       


Lance Vick – Chairman

February 2023

The Feoffees and Thirteen of Tetbury


May I start by wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and a wish that 2023 is kind to us all.

Maintenance work has continued on our community and open spaces over the winter months and following the planting the new hedgerow in Preston Park, Will Cook and his team of volunteers have planted 24 oak trees – 20 around the hedgerow and a further 4 throughout the Park. 

In addition, we have planted two cherry trees on our land in The Chipping – one as a memorial to the Holborow family and the other to commemorate the work of the Trefoil Guild in Girlguiding – our thanks go to Thirteen Emeritus John Latter and to Feoffee Dave Norris for their work arranging this. Finally, Feoffee Jim Pearce and his volunteer team have completed a tidy up of The John Phillips Millennium Green and Market Place area – thank you to everyone involved.

Following my thanks in December’s article, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Feoffee and Thirteen members, along with EESI and Tetbury Plumbing for their support in the removal of the Christmas Trees and Market House lights in January, during such dreadful weather conditions.


I am pleased to advise that we have recently agreed a grant to the Girl Guide Unit in Tetbury, supporting 3 planned trips.


Dates for your Diary

·         9th – 12th February – The Market House will be taking part in the Window Wanderland Event

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

Hedgerow Planting November

Between Preston Park and the football pitch on Saturday 26th November and Saturday 3rd December at 9:30. Bring your whole family with trowels and wellies ready to plant a metre of hedging.  Once established the hedge will provide a wildlife haven and help the planet. There will be free refreshments. You can either arrive from Herd Lane or from the side of the football pitch on Cirencester Road.

Please Ring Will on 01666 502877 for info

September 2002

I would like to start this month’s article by thanking Feoffee Richard Cooper for his 26 years of service to both the Feoffees and Thirteen of Tetbury. Over the years Richard has been instrumental in the work that has taken place in the town and in the last 5 years as a Feoffee, he has looked after the old Market Place/Lower Gumstool Hill and Millennium Green area on behalf of our charity. On behalf of all our members, I would like to wish Richard and his wife Carol a wonderful retirement together and following Richard’s retirement, we are pleased to welcome Jim Pearce as the new Feoffee. In addition, we would like to welcome Andy Howell, as the newest member of the Thirteen and we all look forward to working with Andy in the future.


We are pleased to have had the opportunity recently to support Tetbury Town Football Club with a grant of £1500 for a set of new goal posts, which are adjustable, allowing them to be used for all age groups and as advised last month, we have also continued our financial support of the Foodbank and we have been advised that they can also assist now with fuel vouchers for families. We have also supported Tetbury Cricket Club with a donation of £500 towards their new cricket nets.


Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members and volunteers who have been working hard to strim the Community Orchard, ensuring that this area is maintained for us all to enjoy and to Feoffee John Hugginson and Tetbury Plumbing & Heating for putting up the hanging baskets on The Market House and for their commitment to water them throughout the summer.


2022 Dates for your Diary

  • 3rd September – Beating of the Bounds and Presentation of the Feoffee Accounts

  • 10th/11th September – Heritage Weekend

  • 2nd December – Christmas in Tetbury – we will be ensuring that The Market House is lit up for the Town and our residents


If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

July 2002

I would like to start this month’s article by thanking Feoffee Richard Cooper for his 26 years of service to both the Feoffees and Thirteen of Tetbury. Over the years Richard has been instrumental in the work that has taken place in the town and in the last 5 years as a Feoffee, he has looked after the old Market Place/Lower Gumstool Hill and Millennium Green area on behalf of our charity. On behalf of all our members, I would like to wish Richard and his wife Carol a wonderful retirement together and following Richard’s retirement, we are pleased to welcome Jim Pearce as the new Feoffee. In addition, we would like to welcome Andy Howell, as the newest member of the Thirteen and we all look forward to working with Andy in the future.


We are pleased to have had the opportunity recently to support Tetbury Town Football Club with a grant of £1500 for a set of new goal posts, which are adjustable, allowing them to be used for all age groups and as advised last month, we have also continued our financial support of the Foodbank and we have been advised that they can also assist now with fuel vouchers for families. We have also supported Tetbury Cricket Club with a donation of £500 towards their new cricket nets.


Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members and volunteers who have been working hard to strim the Community Orchard, ensuring that this area is maintained for us all to enjoy and to Feoffee John Hugginson and Tetbury Plumbing & Heating for putting up the hanging baskets on The Market House and for their commitment to water them throughout the summer.


2022 Dates for your Diary

  • 3rd September – Beating of the Bounds and Presentation of the Feoffee Accounts

  • 10th/11th September – Heritage Weekend

  • 2nd December – Christmas in Tetbury – we will be ensuring that The Market House is lit up for the Town and our residents


If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

June 2002

We are very proud custodians of The Market House in Tetbury, which is the focal point in our town centre and we have been fortunate to recently have a selection of images taken of both this building and our open spaces. These were taken by a local student, who we have supported financially for her studies and it is wonderful to see our support helping young people develop their skills, education and work opportunities. Many of you will have noticed that the clock was recently stopped for repairs and maintenance and by the time you read this, everything should be working again.  I wanted to also take this opportunity to remind everyone that this building can be hired for use, along with applications for market spaces underneath the building.  Please visit the Contact page on our website – www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – and click the Rental Enquiry button.


We have also been pleased to plant a ‘Royal’ Oak tree from Highgrove, for Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, the tree can be found behind the Royal Oak pub by the steps down to the Goods Shed Car Park


It was also pleasing to see such a successful Wacky Races Day on Bank Holiday Monday, well done to the Tetbury Lions Club who organised this free event for the community and to the students from Sir William Romney’s School who helped with the setting up and tidying away on the day. We were pleased to make the Chipping Car Park available for preparations ahead of the racing.


Finally, I am pleased to confirm that the Feoffees have also agreed to maintain their support of our local Foodbank, who receive a biannual grant of £600.


2022 Dates for your Diary

  • 3rd September – Beating of the Bounds and Presentation of the Feoffee Accounts

  • 10th/11th September – Heritage Weekend


If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

May 2002 News

May 2002 News

The Feoffees and Thirteen of Tetbury


Work has continued in our open spaces throughout the Town this month, particularly at the Millennium Green and it is lovely to see the gardens and allotments coming to life again in Tetbury as Spring arrives.


With the summer months approaching we look forward to events re-starting after the difficulties of the past 2 years and we are pleased to be supporting the Lions Club Wacky Races at the start of May, by allowing the use of The Chipping Car Park – which becomes a pit lane for all competitors and under the Market House, for what we hope will be a very successful day.


We are pleased to financially support groups and individuals in the town and this month these have included:


  • £100 to the Scouts/Guides/Playgroup – to allow the creation of the new vegetable boxes at the Play Station

  • Donation towards transport of the Wednesday and Friday Club members to the Piano afternoon at The Goods Shed on Wednesday afternoons and the Friendship Café at the Dolphins Hall on Thursday mornings

  • Grant to a young lady studying her degree course


Finally, we were also pleased to see the Feoffee Seal adorning the training tops of members of the youth rugby tour, which we recently supported.


2022 Dates for your Diary

  • 3rd September – Beating of the Bounds and Presentation of the Feoffee Accounts

  • 10th/11th September – Heritage Weekend


If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

April 2002 news

The past month in Tetbury has been very busy for our group, with lots of maintenance and preparation works ready for what we hope will be a lovely spring and summer. However, I also wanted to acknowledge the awful world events taking place and we were pleased that we were able to support the Tetbury Area Churches Together Vigil for Ukraine at the start of March at The Market House – our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people and their families at this difficult time.


Our work over the last couple of months has included and thanks must go to – Will Cook for organising and making new Dam Boards for the pond at the Millennium Green and new Snow Boards for the roof of The Market House. Richard Cooper and volunteers from the Thirteen for tidying up the Millennium Green, Old Cattle Market and Brian’s Garden.  Over the next month or so there is a programme of preparation in the Community Orchard, ready for a good crop of fruit later in the year.


We were also delighted to take part in the Winter Wanderland Community Event and thanks must go to Christine Berry and her team for organising such a lovely event during one of the darker months of the year.


2022 Dates for your Diary

  • 3rd September – Beating of the Bounds and Presentation of the Feoffee Accounts

  • 10th/11th September – Heritage Weekend


Finally, I am delighted to confirm that the following grants have been made recently:


  • Training Grant for local playgroup to learn Makaton

  • Grant towards transport for the Friendship Café

  • Grant for a local student studying languages


If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.

Lance Vick – Chairman

March 2002 news

March 2002 news

This month I would like to ask for the community’s support in a couple of matters, firstly with the digging of holes along Herd Lane. We believe that these holes are being dug by people looking for old bottles, as Herd Lane is the site of the old tip area, however, this is now causing a problem with the stability of the bank, which could cause its collapse.  Could I ask those who are doing this to please stop and for anyone witnessing this to either ask the person to cease or report to us. Secondly, Thirteen member Nikki Ind was saddened to find dog mess left at the memorial bench to late Feoffee Brian Smith. She removed and disposed of this in the bin along the lane and I appeal to all dog owners to pick up their dog’s mess. This bench, along with many others in the Goods Shed & Preston Park area, are placed in memory of members of our community who gave their time to make Tetbury the wonderful town it is, such actions are disrespectful, and we ask that we all play our part in keeping our public spaces clean and tidy.

The winter months have been unusually warm, almost spring like and we have been pleased to notice an increase in the wildlife, including a pair of ducks, in an around the Millennium Green and Pond.

I would like to thank Keith Lever of the Tetbury Tailor for his continued donations to our charity. Keith has been selling Tetbury Tweed Jackets in his shop and with each sale £25 is donated – many thanks Keith – these donations support the work and grants in our town.


2022 Dates for your Diary

  • 3rd September – Beating of the Bounds

  • 10th/11th September – Heritage Weekend


Finally, I am delighted to confirm that the following grants have been made recently – Grants to 3 Students for equipment/books for their studies, Tetbury Goods Shed Window Wanderland project, Grant to a young person attending the World Scout Jamboree, Tetbury in Bloom, Tetfest, Youth Rugby Tour and the Foodbank.

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.

Lance Vick – Chairman

February 2002 News

Happy New Year. I do hope that 2022 starts to see our lives resume some kind of normality and that we all get the opportunity to meet up with friends and relatives safely and more often this year.


Firstly, I am sad to report news of a further great loss to our town. As many of you know Syd Mosdell recently passed away and I wanted to pay tribute to this man who was an amazing servant to our Town and many organisations within it.  Syd was an active member of our organisation, finally becoming Chair of the Feoffee before his retirement. Our thoughts and prayers are with Shirley and the whole family at this difficult time.


Whilst it seems a while ago, I would like to thank all members of the Feoffee and Thirteen for their work decorating The Market House and the wonderful Christmas Trees, kindly donated by the Lowsley-Williams family at Chavenage.  In addition, thanks also go to Tetbury Plumbing & Heating and Tetbury Fire Service members for their assistance with erecting the lights and Creative Hairdressing & the Blue Zucchini – for the supply of hot drinks.


Whilst this is normally a quiet time of year, for those young people looking to the future and planning further education and apprenticeships, please remember that you may be eligible to apply for an education or training grant. If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.


Lance Vick – Chairman

December News

The Feoffees and Thirteen of Tetbury

It is with a heavy heart that I start this month’s article, with the sad news that Feoffee Emeritus John Sheppard recently passed away. John worked tirelessly as both a Feoffee and member of the Thirteen, particularly regarding the Market House and I would like to take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge his contribution to our organisation. Our thoughts are with Carol and the family at this difficult time.

And now to the future, I am pleased to confirm that Ben Scrivens was recently elected as a new member of the Thirteen and we all look forward to working with Ben in the future – welcome Ben.

By the time you read this update, many of you will have either watched members of the Feoffee and Thirteen, on the last Saturday in November, decorating the Market Hall with lights and erecting the 2 beautiful Christmas trees, kindly donated to the town by the Lowsley-Williams family or you are enjoying their splendour. As the Market Hall is owned by the Feoffee, each year our members ensure that this historic building becomes the centrepiece for Christmas in the town centre. As well as our members, I would like to thank Tetbury Plumbing & Heating, who provide us with essential assistance in this mammoth task.

I am pleased to confirm that we have recently made the following grants:

  • £9,583 – St Mary’s Primary School – to fund the purchase of 30 iPads and a charging trolley

  • 2 students at university benefitted from a grant each of £250

  • Historic Annual Lecturers Grant to Rev Poppy Hughes £30

  • Historic Advowson to Tetbury Town Council £70

 All that is left to say is that I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and prosperous 2022 – where I hope life will start to feel a little more normal – and if you can, please support our local small businesses and traders when Christmas shopping this year.

If you think we may be able to help you or your group with an education or training grant or if you would like volunteer to help us or wish to know more about the work we do in our town, please visit our website – www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk - or speak to one of our members.

Lance Vick – Chairman