Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy and Peaceful New Year.

Before Christmas, those of you who walk or run along the Tetbury Trail will have noticed that extensive tree works have taken place, thank you for your patience whilst we closed sections of the trail for your safety whilst this work was completed.

In addition, some of you may have noticed that we lost a tree on the Millennium Green last year, and I am pleased to confirm that a replacement is due to be planted in the next few weeks.

Thanks must go to resident, Geoff Turbott, who has once again swept the length of the pathway along the Tetbury Trail, improving the surface and clearing the fallen leaves.

I am delighted to advise that the following grants were made this month:

· £900 – Dolphins Dramatic Society

· £1,000 – Police Museum – funding towards developing the school education programme

· 2 x £300 grants to local students

· Additional £5,000 to Sir William Romney’s School – to complete the new Sensory Room

If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like to volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.