I was recently delighted to, along with my fellow Feoffees, present local resident Geoff Turbott with a Feoffee medallion and certificate of appreciation, for all his support with maintaining the public footpath along the old railway line, Berkeley Wood and Preston Park, allowing everyone to enjoy this very special area of our town.
Without his intervention, the footpath would not be as usable and accessible. Geoff undertakes this work voluntarily and the Trustees of the charity wanted to publicly thank him for all his support and hard work over the years.
I am also pleased to confirm that we have recently supported groups and individuals with the following grants:
Tetfest - £1,000 as sponsorship of this growing community music festival
3 local students with grants towards their studies
St Mary’s Playgroup - £500 towards their Forest School Bell Tent repair
Holiday at Home - £1,500 to support their ongoing projects in our community which include 2 summer holiday days, a spring tea and firework tea party
If you think we may be able to help you or if you are a member of a group who could be helped with a grant, please visit our website - www.thefeoffeesoftetbury.co.uk – where you can also find out more about the work we do in our town. Finally, if you would like to volunteer to help us, please get in touch or speak to one of our members.
Lance Vick – Chairman