Tetbury's past was celebrated again this year despite the inclement conditions

Adults, children and even hardy dogs turned up for the Beating of the Bounds on October 1st. We even initially had company from an interested sheep but they were unable to join us!

The event is an Anglo-Saxon ceremony associated with harvest time and has taken place in the town for hundreds of years.

Originally boys were beaten at various points of the walk to make them remember the boundary of the town but much to the relief of youngsters that part of the tradition ceased a long time ago.

This year the Beating of the Bounds ended with a presentation at the Market House from Tetbury group, the Feoffees who organised the event.

An informative and illuminating walk led by Thirteen member Dr Tony Walsh was taken with a welcome break at Thirteen member Pam Bird's house and she managed to organise a break in the weather for the 'bounders' also. Our thanks to both of them for their time, hospitality and knowledge.